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things my therapist says

"what do you think about that?"
"i don't know. do you think it's weird?"
"i don't know. do you think it's bad?"
"what do you think other people think when you do that?"
"what would you think if someone else did that?"
"how do you feel about that?"
"i want to talk about this word you're using."
"why does that matter do you?"
"what would it mean if that were true?"
"is that something that would make you happy?"
"you're afraid, and...?" (the answer i'm meant to give to this one is "and i'm going to do it anyway", by the way.)
"what's scary about that?"
"is that a useful way to think about it?"
"is worrying about it going to help?"
"i don't know. do you think it's okay?"

i don't know either.

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