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the time a 12 year old girl took over my blog

here is a list of every nice thing the person i like said about me on sunday. i am making this list because 1) i only have two friends and one of them is the person i like and i don't want to alienate the other by subjecting her to this nonsense, 2) i don't want to forget anything, and 3) maybe if i can look at a collection of evidence that someone has a good opinion of me, i won't be so quick to assume people are lying when they say they like me. also i'm going to try really hard not to argue with myself about any of these things.

- he said i was the most selfless person he knows because i do people favors and don't expect anything in return.
- he said he thought i would be cool when our mutual friend said i was one of her favorite people, and that he was not disappointed.
- he said i was extremely friendly and "willing to like people". i think this is one of my favorite, and one of the most true, things anyone has ever said about me.
- his comment to his friend about not expecting me to dress up for the party suggests that he thinks i am rebellious in some way. this is absolutely a compliment.
- he said he told me a lot of things he normally doesn't share with people. this isn't exactly a compliment but it suggests many compliments (i am nonjudgmental, trustworthy, kind, and a good listener).
- he said i was smart and that i'd do well in college.
- many times i mentioned a thing i wanted to do someday and he said he wanted to do all of them with me. (that sounds sexier than it is. it was things like finding my bio parents and going to the fair.)
- he said i wasn't annoying or needy. wow, i have zero self-esteem.
- he said i was a good friend.
- he said i was very sincere.

that's all i can remember. oh, and now the embarrassment has kicked in. i'm going to go play video games and pretend this entry never happened okay bye.

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