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the person i like asked me to help him move again tomorrow and i said i would, obviously. i must really like this person because i agreed to be over there at 10 which means i have to get up around 8 because i take a thousand years to get ready in the morning.

he texts me a lot, and he always texts first. i guess this means he's fond of me. he's very formal in his texts, which i think is because he writes a lot of papers and probably talks to a lot of people in a professional capacity. i normally text like how tumblr would text if it were a person, but when i talk to him i feel like i should be more formal. sometimes i can even feel myself sitting up straighter. he makes me want to be neater, more polite, more together. i want to get my own place and eat my vegetables and stop saying "like" all the time. i won't, though. well, the first thing i will do eventually. but i like being a bright and uncontained mess more than i like the idea of some dude thinking i'm great. even this awesome dude. he must like me the way i am since he talks to me so much, anyway.
i briefly entertained the possibility that he might only be nice to me because he needs me, by which i mean my car, to help him move, but that's so absurd even i don't believe it. i'm a friendly person and i like to help people, so if someone needs me to do something for them, they can just ask and i'll probably do it just because i like feeling useful. therefore, there's no reason to pretend to like me to get favors out of me. he must just like talking to me. i have to keep saying that so i don't forget.

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