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so one of the things i've been working on in therapy is how i relate to food and whatever. last monday my therapist suggested that i try meal planning which would be fine if i had the kind of life where i could reliably eat at about the same times every day, but i don't. what i did instead was i bought a ton of groceries and spent the last week eating literally any time i thought about food because i'm incapable of telling whether or not i'm hungry until i'm tired and dizzy and my head hurts and i feel sick. i ended up eating not much more than usual because i was eating smaller quantities of food more often rather than two larger meals. i also drank a lot more water (well, and sweet tea) and less soda than i normally do. anyway i feel pretty great. i bought lots more food yesterday and i'm going to keep eating this way in the hope that one day i'll be able to feel and respond to hunger like a normal person.

there's more that i want to write about but my nails are longer than i'm used to and it's bothering me to type. i'm going to cut them because i want to paint them for an event tomorrow anyway, so i will do go that now.

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