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i was watching an episode of svu about a school where a bunch of kids had been abused and the school covered it up. at the end they finally admitted that awful things had gone on there and apologized. i always get very emotional about this kind of thing - when someone is harmed by another person, and then that person apologizes, and specifically acknowledges that what they did was wrong and caused a lot of pain. there are a lot of people i've known in my life that it would mean a lot for me to hear that from. to be fair, in about half of those cases i'd probably respond by telling that person to fuck off, but that would also be cathartic.
but, i also feel like this is something i want from my therapist, sort of. i spend a lot of time in her office expressing how frustrated i feel with my mental health situation. it's hard, it isn't fair, it's not my fault, blah blah. not that she isn't sympathetic, but i wish that when i said things like that, instead of telling me what i could or should do about it, she would just say, "you're right, it isn't fair, you don't deserve this, and i'm sorry." sometimes when someone is hurting, you don't have to have any answers or advice or anything. you can just tell them that you see their pain and it isn't right that they have to suffer.

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