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i'm really tired today but i feel okay. i think it's because i know i'll get to sleep in tomorrow and i won't have to work with any more kids after that. i miss going whole days without talking to anyone besides my mom. it's so peaceful.

i did try that lavender face mask the other night. i remember reading on paula's choice that lavender, along with everything else in the mint family, isn't good for your skin because it's an irritant. so i wasn't sure what to expect. it burned a little, not badly enough that i didn't doze off with it on, though. when i took it off after 15 minutes i noticed that my skin was very sensitive, like after you scrub too hard with a washcloth and then it hurts a little every time you touch your face. it mostly went away after i moisturized with almond oil. it didn't hurt too much, and i thought it was interesting to experience, and lavender does smell really nice so i was very relaxed while i wore it. i want to buy something else lavender-scented soon.

tonight i want to try another mask, maybe one of the brightening ones. i'm not sure what exactly "brightening" means or what ingredients it has, but i'm excited.

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